I thought it might be a good idea to document the current plan – as a means of either remembering it, or having record of it when it turns out we didn’t actually do it. Having said that, we absolutely are definitely doing this, as we have handed in our notice on the house, and started selling the masses of ‘stuff’ we’ve collected over the past nine months. Also, there lies the answer, for those of you who made bets – we lasted 9 months in a proper house, and are now moving into a more boat like, though hopefully less hazardous, more open-roadious (add to dictionary), mode of home. We’re getting a van, and we’re heading to mainland Europe. We’ve done it before, but it was more of a holiday – we wild camped, occasional B+B, we cycled much of it, from Holland, down the Rhine through Germany, to Basel (Switzerland), and then back. This time we don’t have to be back for a certain date (We were both due to start University Courses last time) And this time – we’re both self employed; freelance, laptop lovers, wifi huggers, persistent jammers, van-dwelling land-roaming noise-making quiet types. We’re actually planning it properly this time. Not like with the boat. We’ve set a date a couple of months away, so as to finalise housey things, and prepare to the best of our abilities for living on the road and away from family again. Which will be hard, I can’t deny that, and wouldn’t want to – but technology lets you see your loved ones from pretty much anywhere these days, and we’re not going so far that a quick flight back isn’t an option. (Snippet from ‘Conversations with Myself’, by Rebecca)
We have a quality camera in hand; lots of photography and videos will be coming. I hope to street perform as much as possible, and meet some other musicians doing their thing in the wild, wild woods of European Cities. I will be writing, a lot. It might look like I haven’t written for a while, but I write everyday; I write freelance articles and regular features for a Music Blog. I also write a hell of a lot of songs, as it keeps me vaguely sane; it’s like keeping a diary, only way more fun – you can add all sorts of noises to your thoughts when you express them with music. Bloody good medicine.
Anyway, over the next month or so, as our mountains of things slowly decrease – we’ll take last advantage of the gorgeous place in which we have lived for the biggest part of this year. Obvious photo opportunity.
It’s not been what you’d call an easy year; thus is life, and everything that comes with it. But, count your blessings and darkness makes a bit more sense for a while. Sort of. It has been quite possibly the most productive year though, which was what we intended when we moved from the boat to somewhere with a more consistent source of power. We did what we set out to do, and now it’s on to the next chapter. A huge thank you while I’m here as well – to everyone who’s shown support this year, in music and otherwise. A lot of you really helped make the EP feel worth while and I’ve had some great musical experiences while we’ve been up North. Thanks to everyone who’s played the tracks on their radio shows, and at full volume from their cars. You guys are the best. (If you haven’t done this yet, don’t panic – Some Build Castles).
I’ve got a fair bit of work and new releases to get done before we move out, so this isn’t the end until January; I just wanted to get this down, dusted, set in stone, I guess. I’m so, so excited about this adventure. Keep an eye out for us in various fields and cafe’s around Belgium and Germany in the next six months. Or maybe France. Or possibly just Cornwall.* Who knows!? Follow me on Twitter if you don’t already – I don’t have Facebook on my phone as it eats up all of my memory, so.. Twitter is the best place to catch updates.
Big hugs to all of you.
Bex xx
*When I say ‘just’ Cornwall, that’s not to downplay Cornwall – we very much love Cornwall. Adam half grew up there (I’m not sure he ever did the other half. Bahaha.) I just mean it’s not that far away, and is still, well.. England. So, yeah. Disclaimer.
“Goodbye, Dovestone! *Irrelevant Arnie voice* We’ll Be Back.”
Beautifully written Bex , Love you loads ,I’m excited for you
Both , see you soon xxxxxx
Love you too xx
You are inspirational
Please just keep doing what you’re doing
You are massively inspirational xxxx
Dear Rebecca,
When doing Europe come to Amsterdam!!. Lots of places to play and /or jam.
Love Horst
Absolutely ! Can’t wait to spend some time there jamming 🙂 Thanks Horst.. look forward to meeting you on my travels !