What are you doing?!

Free from office chains…


June Third – A Monday where the word ‘Monday’ doesn’t make my soul cry. Almost a week off work – time spent with people who smile.. Sometimes this is all it takes to make you love life. Taught guitar (ish) to Adam’s niece. Hung out with my own niece, Jessica – must upload her song soon. She can now say ‘Hi Bex’, which is by far the most amazing thing I’ve heard this week :) I already don’t want to go back to 8.30 till 5:00, lifetime, spent in office clothes, staring at and copying information I do not care about from paper to PC. Some people love these kinds of jobs. At times I have really enjoyed it, but.. Two years is two years and.. twenty years would fly by just as quickly, if I’d let it. My Gran says I sound ‘more tuneful’ than I used to. This is definitely good news, and God bless family honesty. Should probably stop eating at some point and get some exercise.. *picks up guitar*. Today the word ‘Monday’ means Happy B-)